Passionate Data Scientist and ML Engineer, on a quest to harness the power of data and AI. With expertise in machine learning, software development, and a deep-rooted interest in AGI, I create solutions to make lives easier and more comfortable.
Crafting machine learning algorithms from scratch, paired with versatile numpy-compatible mathematical functions.
Revamped "React Markdown Editor Lite" by 100% by fully integrating it into the web application for seamless content creation from the admin's perspective.
Automated 80% of connection requests and unfollowing tasks using LinkedIn Voyager API, streamlining user workflow.
Implemented 30% of Googletest's functionality by implementing the test suite feature.
Developed custom implementations of 3 commonly used data structures, including "String Stream", "Vector", and "Hash Map", to efficiently handle data manipulation and storage operations.
Developed argument parsing functionality, supporting options, flags, key-value pairs, and positional arguments (60% feature completion).
Artificial Intelligence | Software Engineering | Relational Database Management System
Physics | Chemistry | Mathematics